About Rheas of Hope

Rheas of Hope is a volunteer Initiative that promotes positive interaction between Youth and Senior citizens through nurturing engagements.

Being the youngest of 7 children, I witnessed my Grammy travel from Arkansas to Memphis on the first day of school several years before it was actually MY TURN.  This was my first day of 1st grade and the last time my Grammy attended my 1st day of school.   Afterwards her health began to fail but my siblings and I continued to stay with her in the Summers and Christmas Holidays.  My older siblings could then drive so we still would get to go shopping and out to eat with my oldest Sister driving us all around.  These were special times and I still have cards and letters that she would send on every birthday and Valentines Day in the mail. I miss her always but I hope to make others smile as she ALWAYS made me S M I L E.


The United States has a growing population of Seniors and we need to continue to find ways to help them live more fulfilling lives.

There are many programs and initiatives that aim to help Seniors, but we can also think about the things that we can do on a more personal level. For instance, providing them with supplies or purchasing items on their behalf. One way of doing this is by donating goods to Senior centers in your area.

Rheas of Hope strives to build bridges between today’s Youth and our Senior population by through social interaction and dialogue.  Please join us as we strive to fill the life of every Senior with Rheas of Hope.